Mision Statement

"If we could change ourselves... the world would also change."
    - Mohandas Gandhi

BRAVER's goal is to bring people from all walks of life to the same table to talk about how we can best work, live, and love together. Our patent-pending method for doing this is pretty simple: we mix thought-provoking questions into standard card games to give players a fun way to communicate, listen, and learn.

The result is an easy, non-threatening way to learn about each other before mistakes are made, touch base with our own thoughts and emotions, and perhaps most importantly, to check in on each other, especially the most vulnerable members of our population.

BRAVER isn't a complete training program; it's an exercise to help participants warm up to sharing and receiving sensitive information and to help them let their guards down so they are better able to listen to the experts.

By using universal card games to facilitate difficult conversations, we hope to ignite the spark within people to be their best selves, to spearhead change in their community, and be the change we all want to see in the world.

Expert Advice

When creating BRAVER, we didn't want to leave anything to chance. We spent 5 years in development, consulting with experts, and poring over every detail, from what the Royal Court characters held (sunflowers are a symbol of adoration, loyalty, vitality, and good fortune) to their hairline and skintone (to ensure accuracy over fantasy, we selected 16 different Pantone SkinTones).

We made sure every design element was inclusive and inspiring including the baby angels gracing the card backs and the mermaids frolicking in the waves. Even the cats represent different abilities and lifestyles. We wanted as many people as possible who played our games to be able to recognize at least some part of themselves.

We took the same care with the questions which were meticulously researched by a New York Times bestselling science writer, written, and repeatedly re-written after experts from a wide range of fields were consulted. We got input and advice from:

  • Educators, administrators, and students at Ivy League and Top 50 universities, state and community colleges, NYC charter schools, large Midwestern public schools, and small, Southern private schools
  • Psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists in private practice and at the country's largest private healthcare company
  • DEI executives, trainers, consultants, and a Director of Inclusive Excellence
  • HR and employee engagement professionals, consultants, and directors
  • Meditation and mindfulness experts, teachers, and authors

  • We will continue to listen and learn, ask and seek, so we will never stop growing.